How to market to Gen Z: a guide for independent pizza shop owners

If you're looking to attract more young customers, you need to market towards the tastes of Gen Z. These digital natives, born between 1997 and 2012, are reshaping how businesses connect with their audience. 

So, how do you get your delicious pies in front of this tech-savvy crowd? Let's dive in!

Embrace social media

Gen Z practically lives on social media, so that's where you need to be. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are your new best friends. Here's how to make the most of them:

1. Create short, snappy videos

TikTok and Instagram Reels are perfect for showing off your pizzeria's personality. Film quick clips of your team tossing dough, that perfect cheese pull, or behind-the-scenes kitchen antics. Don't forget to use trending music and hashtags to boost your visibility.

2. Post regularly

Keep it consistent. Share mouthwatering pizza pics, special deals, and customer testimonials regularly. Use Instagram Stories to give real-time updates or run quick polls (Pepperoni or mushrooms, anyone?).

3. Encourage user-generated content

Get your customers in on the action! Create a unique hashtag for your pizzeria and encourage folks to share their pizza pics. It's like free advertising, plus it builds a sense of community around your brand.

Make online ordering a breeze

Gen Z loves convenience, so your online ordering game needs to be top-notch. Here are some tips:

1. Mobile-friendly site

Make sure your website looks great and works smoothly on smartphones. Gen Z is always on their phones, so this is crucial.

2. Highlight online ordering

Make your online ordering option super easy to find on your website and social media profiles. Consider offering a discount for first-time online orders to sweeten the deal.

3. Streamline the process

The fewer clicks it takes to order a pizza, the better. Make your online menu easy to navigate and customize.

Partner with food influencers

Influencers have a big impact on Gen Z's buying decisions. Team up with local food bloggers or influencers who have a strong Gen Z following. Invite them to your shop for a tasting session or offer them exclusive deals to promote on their channels.

Show your values

Gen Z cares about more than just great pizza (though that's still important!). They want to support businesses that align with their values. Here's how to connect on a deeper level:

1. Be authentic

Share your pizzeria's story and what makes you unique. Maybe it's a secret family recipe or your commitment to using local ingredients. Whatever it is, let your personality shine through.

2. Highlight sustainability

If you're using eco-friendly packaging or sourcing ingredients locally, shout it from the rooftops! Gen Z is big on environmental consciousness.

3. Get involved in the community

Support local causes or host events at your pizzeria. This shows you're more than just a business — you're part of the community.

Personalize the experience

Gen Z appreciates personalized interactions. Use social media to engage with your followers one-on-one. Respond to comments, take feedback seriously, and maybe even create special menu items based on customer suggestions.

Leverage user reviews

Encourage happy customers to leave reviews on Google, Yelp, or your social media pages. Gen Z often checks reviews before trying a new place, so positive feedback can go a long way.

Host Instagram-worthy events

Create experiences that are worth sharing on social media. Maybe it's a pizza-making class, a themed night, or a contest for the most creative custom pizza. Give Gen Z a reason to visit your shop and share their experience online.

The big takeaway? Gen Z is hungry for authentic experiences and convenient ordering. Give them what they crave and watch your pizzeria become their go-to spot.


10 ways independent pizza shops can stand out against big chains


Pro tips for creating videos for TikTok, reels, and YouTube shorts