Owner’s App (web) - Financials

The Financials dropdown lets you track and review your earnings and transactions. This page provides clear insights to help you understand your shop’s financial performance.


Online Orders

The Online Orders tab displays online orders and provides tools to track and analyze financial performance.

Time Range Filters: Select a specific timeframe to view order data, including:

  • Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 14 Days, Last Month, or a Custom Date Range.

Order Summary: Displays key financial metrics for the selected timeframe, including:

  • Total Orders: Number of completed transactions.

  • Average Order: The average revenue per order.

  • Total Paid Tips: The amount collected from customer tips.

  • Voided Sales: Value of canceled transactions.

  • Total Sales: Sum of all completed order revenue.

Order Breakdown: Lists all online orders with details such as:

  • Order Number: Unique identifier for each transaction.

  • Date & Time: When the order was placed.

  • Customer Name: The buyer associated with the order.

  • Order Type: Delivery or pickup.

  • Subtotal: Total for all goods in the order

  • Tax: Sales tax added to the order. (In most states, Slice pays the sales tax as we are the “marketplace.” Please verify with your account manager if you are in a state where Slice pays the sales tax or if you are responsible for sales tax.)

  • Tips: Tip amount added to the transaction

  • Total: Final amount charged.

  • Status: Order completion status

Use the filters dropdown to sort by All, Completed, Refunded, or Voided. Click on any column (e.g., Date, customer, total, etc.) to sort the table.

Click Create a Report to navigate to the Reports page. You can generate and download a CSV file of the selected data there.

Register Orders

The Register Orders tab displays in-person transactions created on the Slice Register and provides tools for tracking and analyzing financial performance.

Time Range Filters: Select a specific timeframe to view order data, including:

  • Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 14 Days, Last Month, or a Custom Date Range.

Order Summary: Displays key financial metrics for the selected timeframe, including:

  • Total Orders: Number of Register transactions.

  • Average Order: The average revenue per order.

  • Total Tips: The amount is collected from customer tips.

  • Total Sales: Sum of all completed register order revenue.

Order Breakdown: Lists all register orders with details such as:

  • Date & Time: When the order was placed.

  • Customer Name: Only displayed for orders that require customer details. Dine In and To Go orders do not show names.

  • Order Type: To go, Dine In, Pickup, and Delivery

  • Tips: Tips added by the customer for the staff

  • Refunds: Any refund associated with the order.

  • Total: Final amount charged.

  • Status: Order completion status.

Use the filters dropdown to sort by All, Awaiting Payment, Cleared, Held, Paid, Partially Refunded, or Refunded. Click on any column (e.g., Date, Total, Tips) to sort the table.

Click the receipt icon to view a digital version of the receipt. You can save or email the receipt by selecting Print and saving the file.

Click Create a Report to navigate to the Reports page. There, you can generate and download a CSV file of the selected data.


The Statements page provides a history of your payouts from Slice. Each row lists a statement with the date range covered, the creation date, the payout amount, and the payment status.

Use the download button on the right side of the table to view the statement summary in PDF form. Choose Transaction CSV or PDF for a full breakdown of each transaction in your Slice Payout.

Statement Summary

Here’s a breakdown for each row in the Statement Summary:


  • Amount Paid to You: The final payout sent to your account.

  • Amount Due to Slice: The balance owed to Slice if the cost of goods/services exceeds your earnings.

Online Order Activity:

  • Sales Subtotal: Total sales before delivery fees, tips, and taxes. Excludes shop discounts, promo codes, loyalty rewards, and Slice credit.

  • Tax Collected: The amount of tax collected during the statement period.

  • Delivery Fees: Fees collected from delivery orders.

  • Tips: The total amount of tips collected from online orders.

  • Sales Tax Withholding: Tax withheld and remitted by Slice in marketplace facilitator states.

  • Refunds / Order Adjustments: Value of refunds, partial refunds, and order adjustments. (If applicable)

  • Chargebacks: Refunds due to customer disputes through their bank or credit card issuer, including reversed chargebacks. (If applicable)

  • Slice Delivery Fees: Fees for third-party delivery orders.

  • Card Processing Fees: Fees for processing card payments via Slice.

  • Slice Partnership Fees: Any partnership fees associated with online orders.

  • Total Sales: Total online sales, including delivery fees, tips, and taxes.

  • Adjustments: The total deductions from processing fees, partnership fees, chargebacks, refunds, order adjustments, and tax withholding.

  • Net Total: The final amount after all sales and adjustments represents the amount paid for online orders.

Slice Payments: (*These values are not inclusive of any cash payments processed)

  • Total Card Sales: Total card sales before any deductions via Slice Register.

  • Refunds / Order Adjustments: Value of refunds and order adjustments.

  • Chargebacks: Refunds due to customer disputes, including fees.

  • Card Processing Fees (Card Present): Fees for in-person card transactions.

  • Card Processing Fees (Card Not Present): Fees for card payments made without the card physically present.

  • Net Total: Final amount after deductions from refunds, chargebacks, and processing fees.

Additional Activity:

  • Register Subscriptions: Deductions for POS register subscriptions.

  • Phone Order Fees: Fees for orders placed through a Slice-provided phone number.

  • Slice Supplies/The Goods Purchases: Charges for supplies like pizza boxes from Slice.

  • Subscriptions: Charges for non-payment-related subscriptions.

  • Order Issue Reimbursements: Refunds from Slice for order issues for which Slice is responsible.

  • Past Due Amount: Deductions for outstanding negative balances.

  • Other Adjustments: These include promo code credits and Slice credits, with more details in the Owner’s App.

  • Total: The combined value of all additional activity.

Total: The expected funds paid by Slice to your Debit Card today.


Here’s a breakdown for the Transactions PDF/CSV Download:

Online Orders Activity:

  • Date: The date and time the transaction occurred.

  • Order ID: A unique identifier for each order.

  • Type: The type of transaction, typically an order.

  • Source: Indicates whether the order was placed via the shop website or the Slice app/web.

  • Pickup/Delivery: Specifies whether the order was for pickup or delivery.

  • Subtotal: The total cost of items in the order before any additional fees, taxes, or tips.

  • Customer Delivery Fee: The fee charged to the customer for delivery, if applicable.

  • Tax: The amount of sales tax collected for the order.

  • Tips: Any tip amount included in the order.

  • Total: The full amount charged to the customer, including subtotal, delivery fees, tax, and tips.

  • Sales Tax Withholding: The portion of sales tax withheld and remitted by Slice where required.

  • Partnership Fee: Any partnership fee deducted for the order.

  • Processing Fee: Any credit card processing fees associated with the order.

Slice Payments:

  • Date: The date and time when the payment transaction occurred.

  • Order ID: A unique identifier for each order processed through Slice Payments.

  • Type: The type of transaction, typically an order.

  • Amount: The total value of the payment received for each order.


The Payouts page provides a record of payments sent to you based on your statements.

  • Payout ID: A unique identifier for each payout.

  • Date Created: The date the payout was generated.

  • Date Paid: The date the payout was sent to your account.

  • Amount: The total amount paid for that payout.

  • Method: Indicates the payout method (e.g., Instant).

  • Status: Confirms whether the payout was successfully processed.


The Reports page provides access to various financial and sales reports to track your business performance.

  • Order Activity Report: View detailed reports on online and register orders for selected date ranges.

  • Orders Report: Access reports specifically focused on individual order transactions.

  • Tax Reports: Generate reports summarizing sales tax collected and remitted.

  • Sales Mix Report: Track the quantity and sales performance of individual menu items.

  • Sales Summary: A CSV version of the sales summary generated on your register for end-of-day reporting.

Order Activity

The Order Activity tab allows you to access and generate Order Activity Reports (OAR) for tracking online and register transactions.

  1. Click “Create New Report” to generate a new report.

  2. Select a date range and choose whether to include register transactions.

  3. Click “Create”, and the report will begin processing.

  4. Refresh the page after a few moments and click the download button on the right to retrieve your report.

The Order Activity Report provides a summary of both online and offline orders processed through Slice Register and Slice Online Orders, along with associated fees and adjustments.

Summary of Your Activity:

  • Orders: The total of all offline and online orders, minus processing fees, partnership fees, and sales tax withholding.

  • Offline Orders (via Slice Register): Total number of orders entered and paid for through Slice Register, including all payment types (Credit, Cash, and Other).

  • Online Orders (via Slice Marketplace & Slice Direct): Total number of orders placed online through Slice.

  • Processing Fee: The processing fee applied to total tendered online orders.

  • Slice Partnership Fee: A per-order fee applied to online and forwarded phone orders.

  • Sales Tax Withholding: Sales tax withheld and remitted by Slice in states where they are responsible for tax collection.

Slice Payments:

  • Slice Register Payments: Total credit card transactions processed through Slice Register, minus processing fees.

  • Gross Credit Card Sales: Total amount of credit card transactions processed through the register.

  • Slice Payment Processing Fee: Fees applied to card-present and card-not-present transactions for register credit card payments.

Phone Orders:

  • Forwarded Phone Orders: Slice-generated phone orders based on the average online order value.

  • Phone Order Partnership Fee: A per-order fee applied to forwarded phone orders.

Slice Adjustments

  • Adjustments: Includes various deductions such as Slice Register shipping deposits, additional hardware costs, and online order adjustments.

Activity Details:

  • Net Sales: Total sales minus tips, taxes, and register-generated delivery fees.

  • Taxes: A combination of Slice Online and Slice Register taxes collected.

  • Online Tax: Tax collected from Slice Online Orders.

  • Offline Tax (via Register): Tax collected from Slice Register Orders.

  • Sales Tax Withholding: Tax withheld and remitted by Slice in applicable states.

  • Customer Delivery Fee: Delivery fees collected from both online and register orders.

  • Online Fee: Delivery fees from online orders.

  • Offline Fee (via Register): Delivery fees from register orders.

  • Tips: Tips collected from both online and register orders.

  • Online Tips: Tips from Slice Online Orders.

  • Offline Tips (via Register): Tips collected through register transactions.

  • Slice Adjustments: Includes adjustments for hardware, shipping deposits, and online order modifications.

  • Slice Fees: A combination of all processing and partnership fees from all Slice transactions.

  • Slice Payments: The total credit card transactions before Slice deducts processing fees.

  • Total Earnings: The total amount earned after fees, adjustments, and sales tax withholding have been applied.

Orders Report

The Orders tab allows you to view and generate reports detailing individual orders from both online and register transactions.

  • Create New Report: Click the “Create New Report” button to generate a new orders report.

  • Download Reports: Use the download button on the right to access the orders report.

The Orders Report provides a detailed view of individual orders processed through the Slice system. Here’s a breakdown of each column:

  • Ordered At: The date and time when the order was placed.

  • Customer: The name of the customer who placed the order, if available.

  • Order Type: The type of order, such as Pickup, Delivery, Dine In or To Go.

  • Effective Subtotal: The total cost of items in the order before taxes, tips, fees, and discounts.

  • Tip: The amount of tip added to the order.

  • Tax: The sales tax applied to the order.

  • Discounts: Discounts applied to the order, such as promotions or loyalty rewards.

  • Cash Discounts: Discounts specifically applied when paying with cash.

  • Refunds: The amount refunded to the customer for the order.

  • Delivery Fee: The delivery fee charged, if applicable.

  • Order Total: The total amount charged to the customer, including tax, tips, delivery fees, and any applicable discounts.

  • Status: The payment status of the order, such as Paid, Held, or Cleared.

Tax Reports

The Tax Reports tab allows you to view and generate reports related to sales taxes applied to your orders within a specific timeframe.

  • Create New Report: Click the “Create New Report” button to generate a new tax report.

  • Download Reports: Use the download button on the right to access the tax report.

The Tax Report provides a summary of sales activity and the corresponding taxes collected for the specified period.

  • Gross Sales: Total sales from both online and offline transactions.

  • Gross Sales Online: Sales generated from online orders placed through Slice.

  • Gross Sales Offline: Sales from orders processed through the Slice Register.

  • Total Online Tax: The total sales tax collected from online orders.

  • Total Offline Tax: The total sales tax collected from orders entered via the register.

  • Total Tax: The combined total of online and offline tax collected.

  • Total Withheld: The portion of sales tax withheld by Slice for remittance to tax authorities, where applicable.

  • Total Balance: The remaining tax balance after accounting for the withheld portion.

Sales Mix Reports

The Sales Mix Reports tab allows you to view and generate reports that track the sales performance of individual menu items over a selected timeframe.

  • Create New Report: Click the “Create New Report” button to generate a new sales mix report.

  • Download Reports: Use the download button on the right to access the sales mix report.

The Sales Mix Report provides a breakdown of items sold during the selected period, organized by category and performance. Here’s a description of each column:

  • Category: The menu category the item belongs to.

  • Item: The name of the item sold.

  • Discontinued Item: Indicates if the item has been discontinued.

  • Quantity Sold: The total number of units sold for the item during the reporting period.

  • Gross Sales: The total sales revenue generated by the item before discounts.

  • Item Discounts: The total value of discounts applied to the item.

  • Average Price: The average selling price per unit, calculated by dividing Gross Sales by Quantity Sold.

Sales Summary

The Sales Summary tab allows you to view and generate CSV versions of the end-of-day sales summaries created on your register.

  • Create New Report: Click the “Create New Report” button to generate a new sales summary report.

  • Download Reports: Use the download button on the right to access the sales summary report.

  • Date: The date the report covers.

  • Order Types: Indicates if the report includes All Orders, Register Orders Only, or Online Orders Only.

  • Total Orders: The count of all orders processed, including paid, partially paid, and refunded orders.

  • # of Total Register Orders: The count of orders processed on the Slice Register.

  • # of Total Online Orders: The count of orders placed online through Slice Online Ordering.

  • Net Sales (All): Total sales before tax and tip but after discounts and refunds for Register and Online orders.

  • Register Net Sales: Net sales from orders processed through the register.

  • Online Net Sales: Net sales from online orders placed through Slice.

  • Tax (All): Total tax collected from both Register and Online sales.

  • Register Sales Tax: Total tax collected from Register transactions.

  • Online Sales Tax: Total tax collected from Online Orders.

  • Tips (All): The total amount of tips collected across all orders.

  • Register Tips: Tips collected from Register Orders.

  • Online Tips: Tips collected from Online Orders.

  • # of Online Tips: The number of transactions that included a tip.

  • Total Amount: The total amount received from Net Sales, Taxes, and Tips for paid and partially refunded orders.

  • To Go Orders (Net Sales): Total net sales from To Go orders.

  • # of To Go Orders: Count of To Go orders processed.

  • Dine In Orders (Net Sales): Total net sales from Dine-In orders.

  • # of Dine In Orders: Count of Dine-In orders processed.

  • Pickup Orders (Net Sales): Total net sales from Pickup orders.

  • # of Pickup Orders: Count of Pickup orders processed.

  • Delivery Orders (Net Sales): Total net sales from Delivery orders.

  • # of Delivery Orders: Count of Delivery orders processed.

  • Slice Online Pickup (Net Sales): Net sales from online pickup orders.

  • # of Slice Online Pickup Orders: Count of online pickup orders.

  • Slice Online Delivery (Net Sales): Net sales from online delivery orders.

  • # of Slice Online Delivery Orders: Count of online delivery orders.

  • Credit Card Collected: Total amount received via credit card transactions.

  • # of Credit Card Payments: Count of credit card transactions.

  • Credit Card Tips: Total tips collected via credit card payments.

  • # of Credit Card Tips: Count of transactions where a credit card tip was applied.

  • Cash Collected: Total cash payments received.

  • # of Cash Payments: Count of cash payment transactions.

  • Other Payments Collected: Total received from non-cash and non-credit payments.

  • # of Other Payments: Count of other payment transactions.

  • Slice Online Payments: Total payments collected from online orders.

  • # of Slice Online Payments: Count of Slice Online payment transactions.

  • Slice Online Tips: Total online tips collected.

  • # of Slice Online Tips: Count of online tip transactions.

  • Register Delivery Fees: Total delivery fees collected from register orders.

  • # of Register Delivery Fees Collected: Count of orders where delivery fees were collected.

  • Credit Card Surcharges: Total surcharges applied to credit card transactions.

  • # of Credit Card Surcharges Collected: Count of transactions with credit card surcharges.

  • Slice Online Delivery Fees: Total delivery fees collected from online orders.

  • # of Slice Online Delivery Fees Collected: Count of orders where online delivery fees were collected.

  • Register Discounts: Total discounts applied to register orders.

  • # of Register Discounts: Count of register orders that received a discount.

  • Cash Discounts: Total discounts applied when customers paid with cash.

  • # of Cash Discounts: Count of orders where cash discounts were applied.

  • Online Discounts: Total discounts applied to online orders, including promo codes, loyalty rewards, and Slice Credit.

  • # of Online Discounts: Count of online orders where discounts were applied.

  • Non-Taxable Sales: The total of tax-exempt sales.

  • # of Non-Taxable Sales: Count of non-taxable transactions.

  • Register Refunds: Total refunds processed for register orders.

  • # of Register Refunds: Count of register refund transactions.

  • Slice Online Refunds: Total refunds processed for online orders.

  • # of Slice Online Refunds: Count of online refund transactions.

  • Cleared Orders: Total net sales of orders marked cleared before payment.

  • # of Cleared Orders: Count of orders that were cleared without payment.

  • Gross Sales: The sum of Net Sales, Discounts, and Refunded Amounts before taxes and tips.

  • Average Order Value: The average sale amount per transaction, including refunded orders.

You can get automated daily sales summaries by calling your Account Manager at (888) 974-9928 to set up daily Sales Summary Report (SSR) emails. These reports provide a breakdown of the day’s sales and can be sent to multiple recipients, including managers and accountants.


Owner’s App (web) - Hours


Owner’s App (web) - Customers